Indiana University
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Faculty | Samir Salim

Salim SamirAssistant Professor
Ph.D. Astronomy,
The Ohio State University, 2002

Contact Information:

Department of Astronomy
Indiana University
Swain West 418
727 E 3rd St
Bloomington, IN 47405
Phone: (812) 855-4340

Biographical Information:

Samir Salim joined IU Astronomy faculty as a Research Scientist in 2009 and as an Assistant Professor in 2019. He received his B.Sc. in Astrophysics from University of Belgrade, in Serbia, in 1996. The following year he started graduate studies at the Ohio State University, where he obtained his Ph.D. in 2002 (adviser Prof. A. Gould). Next he worked as a NASA’s GALEX postdoctoral researcher at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA, 2002-06) and a research associate at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) in Tucson (2006-09).

Research Interests

Dr. Salim's research is focused on galaxy evolution. He is interested in understanding the complex interplay between: (a) in situ star formation, (b) gas accretion from intergalactic medium and/or mergers, and (c) the different mechanisms of star formation and AGN feedback. Dr Salim's primary approach in studying these questions is to harness the statistical power of low-redshift large-scale surveys (SDSS, GALEX, WISE) in combination with higher-redshift multiwavelength surveys and the follow-up observations with the HST, Gemini and WIYN. He is one of the early adopters of data-intensive astrophysics and is currently focusing on next-generation efforts such as LSST. The topics he is interested in include: regulation of star formation on and of the galaxy main sequence, chemical enrichment, dust attenuation, quenching of star formation, physical properties of galaxies and the SED fitting techniques.


  • A105: Stars and Galaxies
  • A453: Topical Astrophysics (Computational Astrophysics)
  • A580: Physical and Observational Cosmology
  • A780: Astro2010 Decadal Survey (graduate seminar)

Astronomical databases

GALEX-SDSS-WISE Legacy Catalog (Project site)

GALEX-SDSS-WISE Legacy Catalog (MAST Archive)

Revised Catalog of High Proper Motion Stars

Publication Lists

Complete list of refereed publications from ADS

Selected Publications