Indiana University
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Faculty | Catherine "Caty"  A. Pilachowski

Catherine "Caty" A, PilachowskiDistinguished Professor and
Daniel Kirkwood Chair,
Ph.D. Astronomy, University of Hawaii, 1975

Contact Information:

Department of Astronomy
Indiana University
Swain West
727 East Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
Phone: (812) 855-6913
Email: cpilacho[at]

Biographical Information: (curriculum vita) - If you are assigned to "interview an astronomer" for school, please see my interview page for help with your assignment (or listen to the podcasts linked at the bottom of this page).

Professor Pilachowski is a Distinguished Professor and Kirkwood Chair in Astronomy at Indiana University Bloomington, where she teaches and conducts research on the evolution of stars and the chemical history of the Milky Way Galaxy from studies of the chemical composition of stars and star clusters (see her research page for more information).

Caty is an observational astronomer specializing in understanding the spectra of starlight. She uses large telescopes around the world for her research. Before joining the faculty at IU in 2001, she served for more than 20 years on the scientific staff of the Kitt Peak National Observatory (now part of NSF's NOIRLab) in Tucson. While working at Kitt Peak, she served as Project Scientist for the design and construction of the 3.5-meter WIYN Telescope, a telescope at which the IUB Astronomy Department holds a 20% share.

In addition to her astronomical research, Professor Pilachowski has been active in the areas of astronomical instrumentation, large telescope design and construction, electronic publications, women in science, and astronomy education. She has served on numerous national and international boards and committees and as President of the American Astronomical Society from 2002-2004. She is a Fellow of the American Astronomical Society and of the Association for the Advancement of Science.

Professor Pilachowski received a B.S. in Physics from Harvey Mudd College in California, and her M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Hawaii.

Curriculum and Outreach:

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Complete list of refereed publications from ADS