K-12 Education
At Schools
- Classroom Visits - We visit classrooms to talk about
astronomy and to present hands-on learning activities including comet-making, Mars exploration, light and infrared astronomy, and others, or to talk about careers in science. To schedule a classroom visit, contact astoutre [at] astro.indiana.edu.
- Science Nights and Science Fairs - Need help with activities for your school's science night, or need judges for your school science fair? Ask at astoutre [at] astro.indiana.edu.
Curriculum Development
- Astronomy/Astrobiology Units for 5th-8th Grade
- Web-based Tools
- Astronomy workshops for teachers (2005-2009)
- Physics-Astronomy Open House - The Open House is held on a Saturday each fall. Come see lecture-demonstrations and enjoy hands-on demonstrations in the Indoor and Outdoor Exploration areas. Experience the excitement of physics! For information, visit www.iub.edu/~iubphys/outreach/openhouse.shtml. Free to the public.
- Science Olympiad - The IU Astronomy Department participates in state and regional Science Olympiad competitions in Indiana.
Additional Contacts - Be sure to check with your local amateur astronomers' club for information about local star parties or to arrange a star party at your school. For contact information about amateur clubs in Indiana, see www.astroleague.org/societies/list/IN.